Becky Moller Mediator

Rebecca Moller


Advanced Certified Paralegal

Discovery & Family Law

Getting clients to yes is the foundation of Roaring Fork Mediation.  “My goal as a mediator is to help people find common ground”, Rebecca ("Becky") shares, “while remaining sensitive to each person’s unique situation.” 

Becky’s passion for dispute resolution evolved from her almost two decades as a practicing paralegal.  Deciding to pursue mediation training in 2019, Becky volunteered as a court appointed mediator for Garfield County Small Claims and Community Court and for Eagle County Courts.  She went on to obtain her Office of Dispute Resolution (ODR) contractor status for mediation services prior to founding Roaring Fork Mediation in 2023.   

Some of the disputes brought before small claims and county court that Becky has actively mediated include contract issues, homeowner’s association disagreements, landlord and tenant issues, divorce mediation, construction disputes and automotive cases.

As a practicing paralegal with Roaring Fork Paralegals, which she established in 2015, Becky has worked on legal cases involving water law, civil litigation, family law, personal injury and housing disputes.  Past clients have benefited from her unmatched professionalism and expert case research. 

In 2021 she received her MBA from Louisiana State University and has an undergraduate degree in Environmental Science from the University of California, Riverside.  She is a member of the Mediation Association of Colorado, the Colorado Bar Association, and the National Association of Paralegals.

When away from the law and her mediation practice, Becky enjoys all things Colorado, including hiking with her dogs and mountain biking in the Roaring Fork Valley.

Crystal Mill